CORE Diagnostics introduces PCDx Tumour Profiling in India

Partners with US-based molecular diagnostics company Paradigm

CORE Diagnostics has entered into a new partnership withUS-based molecular diagnostics company Paradigm to facilitate patient access to Paradigm Cancer Diagnostic (PCDx) in India. Through this association, the two companies aim to provide a growing community of oncologists the most relevant and actionable cancer care available.

With molecular testing driving the new wave of personalised cancer treatment protocols, this agreement with enable CORE Diagnostics to add a valuable service to its comprehensive menu of advanced diagnostic tests in India.

PCDx is a comprehensive clinical-grade NGS-based test that is designed to provide physicians and patients with a more targeted, personalised approach to cancer treatment by identifying the underlying genomic and proteomic alterations of a tumours DNA, RNA and protein.

The test interrogates the most relevant genomic targets at over 5,000x average depth of coverage with 72 therapeutic associations. Results are typically delivered in four to five business days. The test uses molecular data to help oncologists provide the most effective treatment plan for each patient and devise more accurate therapeutic options for patient care.

CORE Diagnostics offers a comprehensive menu of specialised, advanced diagnostic testing in India in the areas of cardiology, oncology, reproductive disorders, endocrinology and infectious diseases.