Vatsalya Oral Health Foundation to deploy more services to provide free oral care

The Foundation will install four additional dental chairs along with 10 more doctors and assistants who will be part of this initiative to make oral care accessible in Karnataka

Vatsalya Oral Health Foundation have stepped up their efforts to provide more free oral care to needy people in Karnataka. The foundation now is adding logistics and infrastructure at the Sunday Clinic being run in Begur.

Vatsalya Oral Health Foundation is installing four additional dental chairs, to the existing three chairs they currently have. They are also deploying services of 10 more doctors and assistants who will be part of this initiative to make oral care accessible.

The Vatsalya Oral Health Foundation, which is a part of Vatsalya Dental, reportedly is aiming to treat another 3000 people across various parts of Karnataka in the next six months. At the Sunday Clinic, the foundation has fixed over 60 full dentures, 15,000 fillings and 10,000 cleanings among other treatments.

Speaking on this, Dr Srivats Bharadwaj, Founder, Vatsalya Oral Health Foundation says, “The requirement for free medical services has drastically increased with the cost of medicines escalating.The most common problem we observed in people visiting the clinic is the tobacco-chewing habit, resulting in decayed teeth and severe gum diseases. Other problems include loss of teeth that hampers the patient’s ability to chew food which impacts their nutrition status and consequently their work status and daily earnings”,

The Doctors and assistants are at the Sunday Clinic every Sunday between 9 am and 1 pm to cater to anyone in need of an oral health check-up.