Express Healthcare

Cardiac care and power of technology

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Dr Haresh G. Mehta, Consultant-Interventional Cardiologist and Dr Srinivas Kudva, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, S L Raheja Hospital emphasises that ever since its inception, interventional cardiology has been blessed with newer and innovative technologies help in detecting and treating cardiac ailments

Technology has been both a boon and bane to mankind. Advanced technology has exposed patients and physicians alike to increased levels of radiation and increased number of investigations. Clinical examination and individualized care are being lost as a result of an increased reliance on medical reports, as patients do not consult doctors and instead try and read these reports themselves.

Ever since its inception, interventional cardiology has been blessed with newer and innovative technologies help in detecting and treating cardiac ailments.

From plain balloon angioplasty to the latest drug eluting stents, interventional cardiology has seen innovative technology and medical advancements. Valve replacements, MitraClips and device closures are now effectively helping patients with structural heart diseases through minimalistic approach. Even though robotic PCI and stem cell therapy for regeneration of heart muscle are still in its infancy, the scope for growth is limitless.

Also, many of the cardiac surgeries now can be performed with minimal intervention. While, earlier one had to undergo open heart surgery for most of the cardiac problems, now it is possible for them to opt for much less invasive procedures. This helps the patients recover faster as the incision are smaller (at times barely an inch) and patients are in less pain. This even reduces the hospital admission time, and the patient is discharged within two to five days unlike in open surgery wherein it takes weeks for post-operative care. These advanced procedures are more precise.

Artificial Intelligence has now slowly made inroads with Ultreon OCT imaging and FFR. Diamond edged drills, Lasers and Intracoronary Lithotrypsy balloons have added a new dimension for complex angioplasties with high calcium burden.

Preventive cardiology is the future of cardiac care. Hence, focus is now shifting from curative intent to primordial prevention. Home monitoring of blood pressure, diabetes, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring on watches have further proven the benefits of medical advancements. No matter what the advances in healthcare, individualized lifestyle changes and interventions are the need of the hour, especially for better outcomes. Regular consumption of unprocessed wholesome fruits and vegetables, reduced consumption of fats and salt, regular moderate exercise, adequate sleep, meditation, smoking cessation, avoiding harmful drugs and consumption of alcohol are lifestyle modifications which have direct impact on cardiovascular outcomes. Keeping your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels in control can prevent end organ damages and reduce inflammation at cellular levels.

With genetics under study and the new CRISPR technology for gene insertion, possible cure for genetic diseases are on the horizon. We are at the precipice of integrating home patient monitoring, electronic health records and genetic level cure which will eventually culminate in a healthy and happier life.

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1 Comment
  1. Vivid Diagnostics says

    Great Post….
    Nice, Informative and Well Articulated
    Thanks for Sharing such an informative blog article.

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