Express Healthcare

‘The Gokhale Method is unique in its efficiency’


Esther Gokhale, Creator and Founder, The Gokhale Method, has been involved in integrative therapies all her life. The Gokhale Method teaches simple techniques to restore the posture and movement patterns one develop as a child. In an interaction with Sanjiv Das, she talks about how Gokhale Method, has been able to address the root cause of musculoskeletal pain

How does Gokhale Method differ from the conventional methods to treat acute back pain?

Esther Gokhale

The Gokhale Method is an anthropologically and historically informed posture approach to help people restore their primal posture and movement patterns. Once learned, it takes no time out of people’s busy lives, nor does it depend on special equipment or interventions by an expert. The Gokhale Method uses hands-on guidance, as well as visual and intellectual cues, to teach students how to sit, stand, bend, sleep, and walk in ways that strengthen and protect the body, as opposed to causing wear and tear or injury. The Gokhale Method is unique in its efficiency and its low demands on students’ time and resources.

What are the major advantages of integrating this method into current treatment protocols?

Many current treatment protocols provide band-aid solutions for symptoms, whereas the Gokhale Method addresses the root cause of musculoskeletal pain. It empowers individuals by giving them an understanding of their problem, techniques to align their bodies in everyday actions, and control over an important aspect of their health. The Gokhale Method provides self-education that can help other interventions to be successful in the long term.

Can you cite some examples where this method has lead to significant impact?

I have taught thousands of people this method by now — and correspondingly have thousands of testimonials to share.

Many students report that the Gokhale Method changed their lives. A favourite example is the Indian violinist Kala Ramnath, who experienced such debilitating back pain that she considered her musical career (which is part of a line of seven generations of musicians), was at an end. Since taking the six-lesson Gokhale Method Foundation’s course, she has experienced no pain whatsoever. She says “I have to pinch myself sometimes – a I really without pain?” Other favourite students are Joan Baez and Desmond Tutu because it’s a particular pleasure to help people who inspire a lot of other people.

In which countries are your method being used? Are there any plans to foray into other countries?

Trained, qualified Gokhale Method teachers can be found here in India, as well as in the US, Great Britain, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Chile, Singapore, Australia, Italy, The Bahamas and Slovenia. I train new teachers every year – this method is needed globally and I accept student teachers from everywhere in the world, as long as they are passionate about helping people.

What’s your agenda on this visit to India? Any tie-ups with Indian healthcare providers in the offing?

India is my home country, and holds a big place in my heart. India is also home to many cultures that hold the key to the world’s back pain problems. I am here, this time in Mumbai, Delhi, and tribal Odisha, to learn what I can from people who have not yet lost their natural way of moving in the world. As far as working with healthcare providers, I have found it best to work at grassroots level with people who need this work, and wait for healthcare providers to approach us, which they have begun to do in the US, and will surely do in India after the work spreads. Neither modern urban people, nor healthcare organisations, can afford to not pay attention to an approach that is as successful, efficient, and fundamental as the Gokhale Method.

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