Express Healthcare

Cell based therapy treats 21 month old baby suffering from Rare Sturge-Weber Syndrome


Reportedly, it was the first case of SWS treated in India using cell based therapy

Dr. Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine Researcher at StemRx Bioscience Solutions successfully treated 21 months’ old kid Alfa from Uganda who was unable to walk due to a rare neurological disorder called “Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS)”that affects the development of certain blood vessels, causing abnormalities in the brain, skin, and eye. Reportedly, it was the first case of SWS treated in India using cell based therapy helping the baby walk.

Everything was normal till Alfa was 14 months old, when he suddenly suffered febrile seizures (fits during fever) along with shortness of breath. Parents took him to local medical facility for treatments in Uganda. It was shocking for parents when during the treatment at the hospital, the baby suffered another episode of fits and went in to coma for about three weeks. Further diagnosis and CT scan confirmed infection in brain and surrounding tissues due to Sturge-Weber syndrome.

For getting a good care for baby Alfa, parent decided to come to India; where they met Dr. Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine Researcher at StemRx Bioscience Solutions , for cell based therapy.

“After a thorough examination two sessions of cell based therapy was given to the kid. A holistic approach with daily allied therapies such as physiotherapy, yoga and hyperbaric oxygen therapy was employed giving dramatic results.”

Earlier, the patient Alfa had symptoms of sudden head dropping, neuromuscular in-coordination, vision impairment, difficulty in sitting and standing, irritability, minimal facial expressions with no verbal appreciation and negligible concentration. His developmental milestones were delayed since recovery from the coma.

Alfa’s mother said, after the session of cell based therapy and rehabilitation, “My son can now sit without support, stands with support, responds appropriately to sounds, has better head control with negligible head dropping and is showing signs of milestone development according to his age. I don’t have enough words to thank Dr Mahajan and his team as they have given a new life to my kid”.

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