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ASHA, NPWH and Lupin pharma join hands to conduct survey on bacterial vaginosis


BV is the most prevalent gynecologic infection in the US, affecting 21 million women each year

Lupin Pharma, the US wholly owned subsidiary of Lupin, dedicated to delivering high-quality medications trusted by healthcare providers and women across many treatment areas, has partnered with the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) and the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH) to conduct a two-pronged national online survey among women who have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (BV) and (HCPs) healthcare providers who treat women with the condition. Survey findings were presented at the 21st Annual NPWH Premier Women’s Healthcare Conference in San Antonio.

Brooke Faught, nurse practitioner and clinical director of the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health (WISH) in Nashville, TN said,The incidence of BV is staggering – we know that one in three women will get BV at some point in her life, yet the condition often goes undiagnosed,”

He also said, “As providers, we believe that we’re sharing vital information about BV with our patients, yet these survey findings demonstrate the need to ensure that patients not only understand the symptoms, but the significant risks associated with this most common gynecologic infection.”

BV can increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis and HIV. Untreated BV can also increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which may affect fertility; it also can lead to pre-term birth and low birth weight. Yet less than half of women with BV (43 percent) report that they are aware that untreated BV can cause an increased risk of STDs, and even fewer (38 percent) are aware that it can lead to an increased risk of early labor or birth.The impact is notable – three quarters (76 percent) would have seen their HCP sooner if they were aware of the risks associated with untreated BV.

Nick Hart, President, Specialty, Lupin Pharmaceuticals said,Despite the fact that BV is the most common gynecologic infection, it often goes undiagnosed, so women don’t get the necessary treatment. Due to the risk factors associated with untreated BV, immediate diagnosis and treatment is of high importance,”

He also said, “By presenting the survey data, we hope to shine a light on the gap between what HCPs believe they’re sharing with patients and the information that patients are actually taking away. If we can close that gap by encouraging a more productive dialogue, we can help shorten the path to diagnosis and treatment.”

Most patients say their HCP discussed general information about BV, far fewer (34 percent) say they discussed the risks associated with BV if left untreated. Women’s health is a major focus area for Lupin Pharma, with the position strengthened through the acquisition of Symbiomix Therapeutics, a privately held company focused on bringing innovative therapies to market for gynecologic infections that can have serious health consequences.Lupin announced the launch of Solosec, the first new oral antibiotic to treat BV in more than a decade and the first and only single-dose oral therapy for BV.

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