Express Healthcare

DMAI to roll out 5 Level – Healthy School National Health Awareness Programme, NHAP Delhi

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This will lead to ‘Healthy School’ certificate to the schools that undergo 12 modules of health awareness and motivation

Disease Management Association of India (DMAI) has ideated and test piloted a ‘5 Level Healthy School’ National Awareness Programme. Over 68,000 students have been sensitised across 57 schools on the most crucial topic of present times which needs to be taken up with our younger generation. This innovative “5 Level Healthy School Programme will lead to “Healthy School” certificate to the schools that undergo 12 modules of health awareness and motivation.

There are 5 levels and each level comprises of three modules. On completing the first three modules, the school would get a “Level 1” certificate and with completion of next three modules till next level four will be awarded Level 1, 3, and Level 4 certificates.

The schools are expected to conduct similar programmes in their schools or nearby communities on their own and such schools would be awarded “Level 5” certificate.

This was ideated by the Founder and President of DMAI, Prof Rajendra Pratap Gupta, as the earlier programme of health awareness, personality development covered about 68000 students in the past 11 months, but it was felt that we need to innovate the programme and spread faster and make it more interesting and insightful to students beyond just health and hygiene. The module also includes a motivational talk by ‘Achievers’ from different fields. Now, the schools are eager to have the ‘Healthy School Certificate’ and DMAI hopes to touch a million students over the next three years, and take the programme beyond NCR with partners.

“DMAI does not charge for these programmes, and is completely free and is funded with CSR grants from philanthropists,” informed Mevish P. Vaishnav, Vice – President, Policy and Advocacy, Disease Management Association of India.

Vaishnav further added, “That the results of the earlier school health awareness programme are being analysed and will be released shortly. Findings of these programmes will be used to make recommendations for policy level changes based on evidence on ground level implementation.”

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