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India TB test market to grow 4 per cent CAGR by 2033: GlobalData

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As TB management expands beyond healthcare facilities to community settings, the need for medical devices that can be deployed in mobile medical vans, such as the “TB-Mukt Express,” becomes apparent

Tuberculosis, a persistent global health challenge, continues to impact countries across the world, including India. As the nation strives to combat this ancient disease, India’s mycobacterium tuberculosis tests market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4 per cent between 2023 to 2033, forecasts GlobalData

GlobalData’s report, “Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Tests Market Size By Segments, Share, Regulatory And Reimbursement, Procedures And Forecast To 2033,” reveals that India holds the largest incidence of mycobacterium tuberculosis cases in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region in 2023.

The “India Fights TB” initiative led by HEAL Foundation and Mylan Pharmaceuticals Private Limited is adopting a comprehensive strategy to tackle the persistent issues surrounding tuberculosis. Beyond medical advancements, it prioritizes addressing social stigma and enhancing treatment adherence. This holistic approach, centered on public education and creating a supportive atmosphere, is aligned with the overarching objective of not just curing tuberculosis but also empowering patients to successfully complete their treatment.

Rachna Tripathi, Medical Devices Analyst, GlobalData, comments, “The launch of the ‘India Fights TB’ initiative is commendable in the ongoing battle against tuberculosis in India. With a staggering 2.64 million reported cases in 2022, tuberculosis remains a formidable public health challenge. Initiatives like this one are not just important but also reflect the collective commitment to spreading awareness, reducing the stigma surrounding the disease, and ensuring that individuals receive timely diagnosis and treatment.”

One striking aspect of India’s TB management strategy is its patient-centric approach. This shift may drive the creation of user-friendly and accessible medical devices for TB diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment adherence.

As TB management expands beyond healthcare facilities to community settings, the need for medical devices that can be deployed in mobile medical vans, such as the “TB-Mukt Express,” becomes apparent. Community engagement and active case finding are key components of India’s strategy to combat tuberculosis.

Opportunities may arise for medical device companies to design solutions specifically suited for use in community health settings. These devices can aid healthcare workers in the early detection and intervention, further enhancing the fight against tuberculosis.

Tripathi concludes, “Amid the sustained efforts to tackle tuberculosis, initiatives like ‘India Fights TB’ shine brightly as beacons of hope toward a healthier and TB-free India. Through proactive efforts in raising awareness, improving diagnosis, and ensuring treatment adherence, India has the potential to take substantial steps in conquering the formidable challenges posed by this health crisis. As India leads the charge against TB, the medical device sector stands poised for innovation, growth, and meaningful contributions to global health.”

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