Express Healthcare

Panel discusses controlling SAR COV2 as an airborne infection

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Panelists focussed on the transmission of illness through droplets and aerosols, the effectiveness of indoor air ventilation and the methods used to combat this infection

At a roundtable discussion titled “SAR COV2 – How Do We Combat This Airborne Infection?,” which was held recently, the air-borne transmission of COVID-19 infection was explained.

The panellists at the round table were Carole Hallam, a senior nurse with 40 years’ experience, with 20 years exclusively in infection control from the UK, Dr Niranjan Patil (MD. Microbiology), Head of Molecular Biology, COVID-19 Testing Labs, Metropolis Lab and Dr Milind Ubale (MD Microbiology) Infection Control Head TMC & Department of Microbiology and Nodal Officer (RNTCP), Rajiv Gandhi Medical College & Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Hospital, Kalwa.

Panelists focussed on the transmission of illness through droplets and aerosols, the effectiveness of indoor air ventilation and the methods used to combat this infection. The panelists further reflected on their views by showcasing a few case studies of their experience with various air disinfection devices and how it assisted them in reducing the infection.

Hallam said, “Role of ventilation is integral in cases where air-borne transmission is causing greater damage as natural ventilation swifts the process in the eradication of viruses. Thus, for poorly ventilated spaces, it becomes all the more important to get air disinfectant unit in order to reduce the risk of air-borne transmission. Further, ventilation should be considered at the time of structural design process itself that will go a long way in combating such situations.”

The webinar was conducted by Trivector Biomed in collaboration with its foreign partner Novaerus, an Irish firm specialising in non-chemical air disinfection solutions.

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