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Technological developments used during piles surgery

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Dr Vijaya Kumar P, MBBS, DNB,PRCS, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Chennai talks about the technological developments used during piles surgery to alleviate symptoms and provide relief to chronic constipation patients

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, affect millions of individuals globally causing discomfort, pain, swelling, bleeding from anal canal and in severe cases chronic constipation. The condition arises from swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the rectum or anus. Traditionally, surgical procedures for piles included hemorrhoidectomy, involving excision of the affected tissue. While effective, this approach posed challenges like post-operative pain and a prolonged recovery period. Over the years, surgical interventions for piles have undergone remarkable transformations integrating cutting-edge technologies to alleviate symptoms and provide relief to chronic constipation patients.

Technological advancements

In recent years, technological advancements have significantly transformed the landscape of piles surgery. These innovations have greatly improved patient outcomes, reduced recovery time, and minimized post-operative complications. Below are some key technological developments in piles surgery:

Laser therapy

Laser technology has emerged as a game-changer in piles surgery. It allows surgeons to precisely target and shrink hemorrhoidal tissue using concentrated beams of light. This technique offers precise tissue targeting, minimal bleeding, and faster healing compared to conventional methods. Patients undergoing laser procedures report reduced post-operative discomfort and quicker return to normal activities.

Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy (PPH)

Another significant development is the advent of stapled hemorrhoidopexy, commonly known as the Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids. This technique involves using a circular stapling device to remove excess tissue and reposition the hemorrhoids back into their normal position within the anal canal, thereby reducing prolapse. PPH is less invasive than traditional hemorrhoidectomy resulting in reduced post-operative pain and a shorter recovery period. This procedure has gained popularity due to its effectiveness in relieving symptoms, shorter hospital stays and improving patients’ quality of life.

Endoscopic treatment

Endoscopic procedures have played a pivotal role in the diagnosis and treatment of piles. Endoscopic band ligation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves placing rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink and fall off. These minimally invasive techniques can be performed on an outpatient basis and cause minimal discomfort and ensure swift return to normal activities.

Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (DG-HAL)

This innovative technique utilizes Doppler technology to identify and ligate the arteries supplying blood to the hemorrhoids. This technology aids surgeons in selectively ligating these vessels, thereby reducing blood flow to the hemorrhoids without damaging surrounding tissues. DG-HAL is a minimally invasive procedure associated with less pain and faster recovery and has a lower risk of complications compared to traditional methods.

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Radiofrequency ablation employs radio waves to generate heat, which effectively shrinks and seals off the hemorrhoidal tissue. This method causes minimal damage to the surrounding area, leading to less post-operative pain and quicker recovery.

Benefits of technological innovations in piles surgery

The incorporation of advanced technologies into piles surgery has brought forth numerous benefits for patients suffering from chronic constipation due to hemorrhoids:

  • Minimally invasive procedures: Technological advancements have paved the way for minimally invasive surgeries, reducing tissue damage, post-operative pain, and recovery time compared to traditional open surgeries.
  • Enhanced precision and accuracy: Innovative tools and techniques enable surgeons to achieve greater precision and accuracy during procedures, leading to improved outcomes and reduced complications.
  • Faster recovery and reduced discomfort: Patients undergoing technologically advanced piles surgeries often experience shorter recovery times and minimal discomfort, allowing them to resume their daily activities sooner.
  • Improved quality of life: Effective treatment of piles through these advanced methods significantly enhances patients’ quality of life by alleviating symptoms and addressing chronic constipation, enabling them to lead more comfortable lives.

Challenges and future directions

Despite the remarkable progress in technological interventions for piles surgery, challenges persist. Access to these advanced treatments might be limited in certain regions or healthcare settings due to cost constraints or inadequate infrastructure. Looking ahead, the future of piles surgery holds the promise of further refinements and innovations. Researchers continue to explore novel techniques including the use of radiofrequency ablation and cryotherapy to provide effective and less invasive treatment options for patients. Moreover, advancements in telemedicine and remote monitoring may improve post-operative care and follow-up, ensuring better long-term outcomes for patients.

Government policies surrounding the surgery

Surgical treatment for piles is covered by health insurance policies. Along with hospital charges, policies cover treatment expenses incurred within a 30-day period before surgery. A few corporate group health policies put a limit or upper cap for treatment expenses of piles.


Technological developments have revolutionised piles surgery offering a spectrum of minimally invasive options that alleviate symptoms and provide relief to chronic constipation patients. From laser-based procedures to advanced imaging techniques and robotic-assisted surgeries, these innovations have transformed the landscape of treatment, emphasising precision, safety, and improved patient outcomes. As technology continues to evolve the future of piles surgery holds promise for further advancements, enhancing the efficacy and accessibility of piles surgery, and benefiting countless individuals affected by this prevalent condition.

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