Express Healthcare

The future of hypertension management: Emerging technologies and trends

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On World Hypertension Day 2023, Runam Mehta, CEO, HealthCube talks about the modern approach to hypertension management

Hypertension, a silent disease, is widely prevalent in India. As per data shared by National Family Health Survey 5 (NFHS-5), one in five Indian women, and one out of four Indian men were identified as suffering from hypertension. However, the worrying aspect is that out of those diagnosed, only about 7 per cent of women, and  per cent of men were found to be on medication. In fact, it was discovered that 33 per cent of women and 46 per cent of men have never got their blood pressure measured.

To combat this situation, the National Health Mission launched an ambitious, large-scale hypertension intervention program called the ‘India Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI). This path-breaking program led to the identification of 3.4 million people with hypertension. Under this program, they were also provided with treatment through various government health facilities across India. The IHCI initiative has been collaboratively undertaken by the Ministry of Health (MoHFW), the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), state governments, and WHO-India. This ambitious initiative has been a great success due to a widespread and futuristic approach adopted by the stakeholders. Advanced technology such as POC diagnostics, electronic data sharing, and dissemination of information were key components of the action plan. Despite this impactful initiative, awareness of hypertension and the management of the condition continues to be low due to various factors.

At the outset, since it does not cause any visible discomfort in day-to-day life, people tend to ignore the early symptoms of hypertension. There are various factors that can contribute to hypertension such as excess weight, side effects of medication, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, and stress. However, in most cases, the cause remains undiagnosed. High blood pressure is also an outcome of the body’s ability to regulate sodium (salt) and water with age. The other and most important factor is the lack of access to convenient and accurate services for the management of blood pressure, blood glucose and other vitals especially in the tier-III locations.

The modern approach to hypertension management

Modern technology, especially the emergence of AI, cloud platforms, and sensors that can monitor patients’ vitals in real-time and share data with medical professionals, are making a huge dent in hypertension management. When hypertension is identified at an early stage and managed effectively through regular and convenient monitoring mechanisms, the risk of long-term heart disease reduces significantly. One of the core reasons why the majority of the people remain undiagnosed and out of treatment coverage even after diagnosis, is the lack of access to effective, affordable and accurate screening facilities. This is where the advent of wearable blood pressure monitoring devices or POCT devices can enable seamless, real-time, and continuous monitoring of blood pressure. Portable and battery-operated blood pressure monitors are also another medical-grade equipment that has become highly affordable and convenient to use for even people with limited knowledge of medical practices.

Such point-of-care and self-monitoring technology have already proven its feasibility and utility in detecting hypertension as compared to the conventional clinic or diagnostic lab-based approaches. These devices have become so advanced and accurate that it is possible to measure blood pressure with minimum training. In India, such portable medical-grade devices are becoming increasingly popular, especially in rural, semi-urban or remote areas where diagnostic coverage is negligible.

The way forward

Apart from spreading awareness, there is a need for appropriate and collaborative initiatives between various stakeholders including governments, NGOs, and medical device innovators. This will help in bringing the entire Indian population under the hypertension monitoring network. The outlook is optimistic given the initiatives that are being undertaken by various stakeholders. This combined with the integration of advanced technology platforms, remote and POC monitoring will enable millions of Indians each year to avoid becoming hypertensive in the years ahead.


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