Express Healthcare

Surya Hospital, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Canada organise two-day workshop


Discussions were held on ‘Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Newborn and Pediatric Care’

Surya Hospital in association with McMaster Children’s Hospital, Canada recently organised a two-day workshop to discuss and train doctors on ‘Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Newborn and Pediatric Care.’ Maharashtra Health Minister Dr Deepak Sawant inaugurated the workshop in Pune.

Paediatricians, neonatologists, obstetricians, doctors from other specialities, resident doctors attended the two-day workshop, which was conducted by five guest faculties from McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Dr Sawant said, “Surya Hospital & McMaster Children’s Hospital, Canada came together and initiated patient safety guideline workshop in Pune. Such training programme are beneficial for doctor and hospitals. Hospital infection can increase stay of patient, these are small issues and required to be highlighted. Such education series are very important to train doctors and paramedical staff.”

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